Shreemaya Krishnadham California
Our Core Vision
Bay Area Youth Vaishnav Parivar (BAYVP) is an organization with the purpose of bringing together all Vaishnavs of the bay area.
BAYVP is a volunteer driven organization. Over the past couple of years we have organized various festivals and cultural events including Saptahs, Mahaprabhiji Utsav and Annakut. We also have a yearly picnic in summer for all Vaishnavs and we conduct cultural activities for kids, including weekly Shreemay Vidya Mandir.
The purpose of the Bay Area Youth Vaishnav Parivar is to propagate and understand the life and teachings of Lord Krishna as envisioned by Vallabhacharaya Mahaprabhuji.
We will pursue a better understanding of Dharma, selfless actions (service), worship, justice and morality as propounded in the Gita thereby determining the true value and purpose of life. In the process we hope to participate in the in the uplift of mankind.